Pile of plastic; New uses.
Okay you have a large bag full of 1/72 model planes.
They're toast. Are they? Take those planes, Especially if they are jets and do this. Remove even the wing fillets and smoothe the bodies. keep the Cockpits ( you'll see why in a moment) Now see if that freebie pen from the Bank or Doctors office is the right size.
That's if they are not the " BIC-Stik"Type. Fit the fuselage of the plane you choose around this "Found" Pen. If it fits okay, then cut the fuselage at the seam where the pen seperates to put in a refill. Epoxy the two pieces to the pen With the Tail end up.
Don't you dare laugh! I did this with a bunch of 1/72 F-86 models I found in the trash.I left part of the base of tail on, and slotted it for the pocket clip. Those friends are still using them. Now admit it, Weird,but a unique way to put new life in old plastic.