No, they are not the same colors. The colors available in the AS series don't exactly overlap the X and XF series in the Tamiya paint line. The particular AS colors scotsman is looking for are RLM colors. Most likely RLM 74, 75, 76, 81, 82, 83 for the ME 262. The Tamiya acrylics line don't have all the RLM colors which means you either have to go with a different brand or mix these colors from the Tamiya acrylics.
I think
AS-3 = RLM 74
AS-4 = RLM 75
AS-5 = RLM 76
AS-23 = RLM 82
AS-24 = RLM 83
(RLM 82 and RLM 83 are often reversed in different paint lines.)
Some possible mixes from Tamiya's acrylics
RLM 74 XF-24:3 + XF-27:2
RLM 75 XF-24:5 + XF-50:1
RLM 76 XF-2:7 + XF-23:1 + XF-66:2
RLM 81 XF-51:1 + XF-64:2
RLM 82 XF-5