I am a Vietnam-Era USAF vet. My last assignment ,as a Staff Sgt. was a Jet Eng.Mech (AFSC 43250) stationed at Reese AFB,Lubbock TX. w/ 3500th Pilot Training Wing,Field Maint. Sq. Jet Eng. "Test Cell" GE J-85's w/afterburner(2ea.) Northrop T-38's,Continental J-69 in the Cessna T-37 "Tweetybird"'. I attended Teterboro school of Aeronautics after discharge and acquired my A&P lic. I've worked "Corporate Jet" FBO's.
Dassault-Falcon 20's and 10's,Piper Cheyenne I,II,III turbo props,Citation I and II,Beechcraft Queen Aire,King Aire and Super King Aire, w/ P&W PT-6 turbo props. I was an ASE certified Master Auto Tech,years after I left aviation.Became a Master tech w/Toyota and Lexus vehicles. I am now retired from 15 yrs. w/ the US Postal Service.......At Last!...I can become a FULL time modeler!!.......I'm living in Corpus ChristiTX. and presently building and just about completed my backyard "Workshop/Man Cave". 16x10 ft,60amp service,A/C, 14 outlets and 5 hanging 4ft shop lights,cable/computer outlets........Almost Heaven on Earth to Me!!!
Told my understanding wife she could call me any time......maybe leave a message,I'll try to call you back! LOL!
If I can think of more or anything new I'll add to this Later..............JohnZMan(Fast Movers)