I am Laurie Stewart living in Jersey Channel Isles for just under 50 years
but born & bred in Surrey UK.
Now 72 & spent 50 years practicing architecture which included at times
producing architectural models although there is much difference between that
& producing plastic models.
Left architecture at 65 & have been producing films commercial &
weddings as an extension of another past time.
Interest in World War two aircraft & being English RAF types. As a young
lad I did witness over Surrey Spitfires & Hurricanes flashing about the
sky. With excitment, although did not realize the danger, Tempests chasing
Doodle Bugs (V1 flying bombs) across the sky & searching for & finding
shrapnel in the garden. Also the crash of bombs at night & living in a
small underground shelter in garden. Most, when I look back, the way my mother
& father coped as they saw the extreme danger of the bombing with gaps
where houses stood but their fear was not in any way transmitted to my sister
& I.
I also have my own library of about 800 books on the WW2 & a good set on
the Falklands War.
Complete novice at the moment struggling with a 1/72 Typhoon but putting
together my way of doing things although I am very susceptible to change if I
consider it is an improvement.