I have always liked working with my hands. Built a few car models as a kid. Got my first car when I was 12, a 74 Mercury Capri for $125, and I was all about auto restoration. I have been working in auto parts for 30 years, minus a couple of years off to be a bench jeweler and to run heavy equipment digging swimming pools. After some trauma I had to liquidate everything I owned and have been riding and restoring bicycles for a few years. I have grown tired of working on bicycles and now just want to ride them. I have a penchant for working on things and restoring or refurbing them, be it a classic car, bike, file cabinet, toaster, or vintage furniture. I love it all.
I am confident I can build a good model. I am a great "assembler". What I would like to accomplish through modeling as an adult is the ability to "think outside the box".
I want to test my creativity through the medium of models and push my limits. I want to become proficient with painting, putty, casting, and the like.
I am happy to be on the forum and look forward to learning from and interacting with fellow members.