Well I began putting small details on the front of the M113 based on the photo of the #3 NASA unit.
These include tie downs made from scrap PH above the engine hatch. Ground down the molded in engine hatch handle and replaced with a wire handle and punched styrene mountings. Spare track mounts made from brass wire and punched styrene for the caps and cap nuts. Half round lift hook made from punched styrene. Compartment handle (next to half round) made from scrap PH.
Now the most important....the Italeri kit does not come with smoke launchers but the NASA unit still has the frames and mounts. Thanks to my good friend Gino, he had a spare set and sent them over. Spare parts all the way from Baghdad....a new first...Thanks Gino
Going a little further down I used Archer weld decals to create the welds on the bottom front plate near the drive gear housing. Also better view of the handle and spare track mounts.
On the top, I needed to cap the two antenna mounts. I used punched styrene for the cap and nuts. Also had to make a new front vent....the kit part went to lost parts heaven!!
Here is a close up of the front. You can see the Mr. Primer in the seams as a fillet but the plate edges are still visible. On the side panel near the top is a recess which I drilled out.
I began work on sizing and creating the outside decals. Usually on most models its just lettering. This had some different items for inside and a complicated outside set. Having some engineering programs, I scaled the side drawing using AutoCAD. The top length is a known dimension. By measuring it in the program and then on the model I can calculate the scale factor. Most programs like this allow you to put on the scale factor. Once I did.....the top dimension matched that of the model. Now anything I measure is the right size for the model.
You can use this with any software for drawing that allows import of photos, allows measurements and input of scale factor. Save a LOT of time with the ruler and calculator.
I am doing the same with the front photo and a rear photo. This work is for those time when I can't get to the bench but can do some computer time.
Once I finish the master sheet of decals I will post a copy for your viewing.
Road wheels are painted, track in the booth waiting. Things will stay slow as I will be off to AMPSEast next weekend so my next update may be two weeks out .
All comments are welcome, thanks for looking.
Rounds Complete!!