Manny - First, I am truly humbled to hear the term master from someone by you as a comment to one of my build. You who I consider one of the masters of a dio and especilly figs, I don't know what to say except thank you.
The decals are the product of an engineer with computer skills and some (I think) modeling ability. I will be putting some things togeather for my artillery friends and will try to put it up here as a tutorial. Yes, software helps but there are easy of cheap software (or free) you can use. Like modelling it requires expermentation.
Again, all I can say is thank you.
As for the girl.....hummmm. It might be nice but what the astronauts have on is more of a jump suit, similar to a tankers jump suit only in dark blue. The flight suit would require a lot of "stuff" to remove. But....I appreciate the help.
I will try to make the move into some figs. I have to get over the fear of the unknown and the fear of crappy figs detracting from a good build. I'll be there soon.
This one, as I said above, is so different I think it can stand alone (sorry Doog).
Thanks Manny
I'll be back soon with final mounted pics. Thanks to all who have looked and/or commented.
Rounds Complete!!