I think it's time we retire this topic. I'm moving it to "Suggestions and Feedback" and locking it. I've read all the posts here; as always, I'm impressed at how articulate the members of this forum are. You've made your points constructively and with spirit--that's what makes these forums so fascinating. Now, I'll try to answer some of the questions various members posed:
The Off-Topic forum was removed because of the volume and increasingly negative tone of posts on largely or completely extraneous subjects. The bad feelings and negative tone were spilling over to other topic areas, and we wanted to stop it before it got out of control. We could have tried a piecemeal approach--removing problem threads, chastising via forum mail members who made inappropriate posts, "steering" discussions back on (or closer to) topic. Those methods would be time-consuming, and since OT was not part of the site's core purpose anyway, we concluded the swiftest, surest way to take care of the trouble was to remove it's breeding ground. It wasn't punishment. We weren't singling anybody out for punitive action. It was a course correction before the ship drifted too far.
QUOTE: Originally posted by upnorth
I suppose since we can still post about the wherabouts of missing members, there's no problem posting congradulations to milestones when members hit them.
No problem at all. Birth announcements are OK, too.
QUOTE: Originally posted by renarts
There is no reason that Odds & Ends cannot accomplish the more personal or side posts that will allow a familiarity with other members with out causing anyone to feel that they have to defend a personal position, faith, ideology. Much of this negativity is rather churlish and melodramatic in my opinion. But if it means a choice between quitting and a peaceful more friendly forum.....adeiu guys. I hope you find satisfaction elsewhere. I am happy to alter or curtail the sociological debates and move on. Besides my interest in this site was modeling and figures. It was why I signed up.
Thank you, renarts, well said.
QUOTE: Originally posted by ausf
Is an absurd post about PE problems considered frivolous? If a thread degrades into some jokes about anti-mime-mines does it get removed?....
Is the Cretin gone for good?
No, on all counts! Banter is part of an online discussion group, especially as a particular thread winds up. It's rarely a problem; usually people lose interest and move on.
QUOTE: Originally posted by M1abramsRules
Your saying that this is the OT, except for politics and religion, and heated debates, and totally senseless posts???
does that mean we have free rein in this forum as long as we don't touch any of those hot button issues?
Add "posts soliciting stuff for sale" to your list, and the answer is: Yes, pretty much. We didn't really abolish Off-Topics as much as we cleaned house and changed its name, hopefully, to something that is less encouraging of way-off-topic posts. I'm sure we'll still get 'em, but hopefully fewer of them. Frankly, if it's something you want to say, and you think other members of the community will benefit from hearing it, post it.
J-Hulk is on-target with this assumption:
QUOTE: Originally posted by J-Hulk
Perhaps the "Odds and Ends" forum will incorporate the best of what the OT forum offered, without the harsh bits.
No matter what it becomes, I strongly urge any member thinking about cancelling his or her account because of all this to deeply reconsider. I don't want to see anyone on either side of this thing leave the forums.
QUOTE: Originally posted by lilBEAR
The off topic forum shouldn't have been counted towards our stars in the first place!!!
Agreed, but that was not a factor in the decision. We have the capability to shut off the post counter in a particular topic area.
QUOTE: Originally posted by echolmberg
I want to get info on models then I'll come to the FSM web site. If I want to discuss issues on guns then maybe I'll check out the NRA site. If I want info on Harley Davidsons (does anyone remember how that degenerated into some bad mud slinging?) then I'll browse for sights about motorcycles. I don't think it's about free speech or censorship. I think it's about producing a site about models. Hence the "M" part in FSM.
Exactly. We know that people who come here to talk about modeling are sometimes going to talk about non-modeling subjects, too. What we don't want is people starting to come here just to talk about non-modeling stuff.