I refered to it as "secret" when I tore apart the December issue
looking for the code Mark Thompson made reference to in the editorial.
It wasn't until later that the FSM site managers told us that it wasn't
in the issue. . .thus secret. It took an e-mail to Mark to get my
temporary code mailed back to me.
No matter how you slice it, dice it, julienne it, or put lipstick on
it, it is a tool to get subscribers and we, well I, have been down that
road before.
I prefer my issue to get to me on the day it is released in decent
readable condition. To do so I go to the the LHS and buy it. If that
means I am not the
loyal reader a subscriber is and not able to
get certain access, okay, your rules, I'm just the player. . .and
players have been known to disagree with the rule enforcers from time
to time.
So if I am to be "suspended" for a week or two, exiled away from the places
loyal readers can go, well,
"I will not go quietly into that dark night."
5 days to exile
I know it's only rock and roll, but I like it.