Well it has been 313 days since we first launched the forums.
During that time, the FSM Community has grown considerably, surpassing many expectations. In 10 months, we have grown to 23,250 members and 67,954 posts. Since August, we have been averaging 358 posts/day. Numbers aside, what has made this a great community (and fun to work for) is the people. The friendliness, respect, encouragement, willingness to help each other and the sharing of ideas has become the trademark of this community. On behalf of all of us here -- Thank you!
I would like to announce that in the very near future, we are planning to apply some forum modifications, which have been in the works for some time. Most of it is behind the scenes stuff (performance related), changes to the registration process, layout tweaks, profile changes, etc. -- a lot of minor changes.
However, I have a couple of days before that happens, so...
I would like to ask everyone for feedback regarding the forums. Think about what you like about the forums and what you do not like. Are there features you would like to see added, removed or improved upon? Are there features that require further explanation or are just downright confusing? How about ease of use - do you feel it is easy to use and navigate around the forums or do you find it difficult? Are there enough categories/forums or would you like to see more or even less?
Whatever feedback or suggestions you have, good or bad, please share them with us. There is still some time before the update occurs.
You can post your comments here, contact me directly (click on the email icon), or email them to webmaster@finescale.com with the words "
Forum Feedback: ATTN Online" in the subject line.
We will review all of your comments but please understand we may not be able to respond to all of them.
Thanks in advance!