Hi All.
I've decided to try to get back into the hobby again. I started as a kid when my dad bought my a Porsche 928 model and I have had little success since (now 27 years later.)
I've played table top war games so I used to spend a bunch of time building and painting Warhammer 40k models. Having outgrown that I took a hiatus for a couple years and then tried, briefly, to build a Dodge Viper model. Through all of this I've had an F-14 model sitting, started, in a box in the basement.
I have 2 inherent problems when it comes to model building:
- I am a perfectionist and I get discouraged when things don't come out as anticipated. This also makes model building quite time consuming as I pay a lot of attention to painting the details (washes, drybrushing, etc.)
- I am lazy by nature. All of my stuff is in the basement and I hate having to lug it upstairs, set up, work for an hour or two (only getting a piece or two painted) and then having to tear it all down again.
So hear I am again, getting ready to start working on my Viper model. I'm limiting my time to weekends so I can set up in an afternoon and then work into the evening. Hopefully this will make the set-up/tear-down time more worthwhile. I have picked up the tamiya acrylics I think I need to complete the model and I am going to give these a try. I also picked up some Tamiya thinner for the paint so hopefully this will help with my painting results.
I've been checking out these forums for a week or two now and I have found it friendly and informative. I joined in the hopes of having help in selecting a good acrylic paint. You never saw me ask because I have learned to use the search feature.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep with it this time.
Baby Steps.