I've been gone for so long, and I see so many new faces around I figure I'd better (re)introduce myself.
Due to the vagaries of my location - backwoods Maine - I've been saddled with dialup internet...forever. When the forum changeover happened at the end of 2009, the site got redesigned, making it virtually unusable to the dialup types out there (think 10-15 minutes to load a page...if it wasn't totally packed full of pictures). Coupled with the fact that there's no limit on pic size on FSM (doesn't need to be - they don't host them!), and the ever-widening influence of affordable broadband, that was pretty much the end of Dupes. TOTALLY AGAINST HIS WILL!
Fast forward to two months ago with the release of the new Samsung Galaxy and U.S. Cellular's decision to allow free tethering to anyone with a solid enough monthly plan - all of a sudden Dupes has broadband! Not unlimited, mind you, but 5gb a month. Sounds like a ton, but I'll still have to monitor how many times I click on pic-heavy threads (or at all). However, I'm back in the game!
Been building a ton, lots of things that haven't found their way to these fine pages...hopefully I can pick up where I left off ~15 months ago. So to those of you that have joined recently, glad to meet you! For all the old salts around, nice to see you again!