It's good that you have returned.
I've used the same type of airbrush for thirty years--Paasche H. There are more sophisticated ones out there.
I use enamels from Model Master, Humbrol and WEM Colourcoats, thinned with lacquer thinner. No experience with acrylics. I like a good "paint smell!"
Online shops: here are a few worthy merchants. I've patronized all of them with no issues:
They are in no particular order, and I don't live in the UK, but sometimes Hannant's has stuff no one else does, and shipping from them is normally quite fast--about one week. Each merchant has certain strengths, and almost no one has everything you need at the same/right time.
For publications, check out what Kalmbach offers here on the website. They have lots, and some handle specific type kits.
Personally, I found a book put out by Airfix magazine's editor decades ago, and that really got me started seriously. I see it's still around. But I wonder where my copy went to?
For the dozens of other questions, keep asking. Someone will have the answer.