I am new/not new to scale modeling. It's been easliy 20 years since I've assembled anything. My daughter is now seven and has expressed an interest in it. I figured it would be one more thing her and I could bond over. On a recent trip to a hobby shop, I let her pick out any model she wanted. She chose AMT's 1958 Plymoth Fury "Christine." Being a lifelong, die-hard Stephen King fan, I was pretty psyched.
We bought the model and a new knife. While she's out of town for Spring Break, I picked up some Testor's paints for most of the colors we'll need and some Tamiya cotton-tipped swabs for detailing. I'll worry about the spray for the body and the bigger parts later one. For now, until the weather warms up and we can move the operation to the garage, this will give us a chance to trim off the excess plastic and paint the smaller parts on the sprue.
For her, it will be a great exercise in patience and detail. I'll be guiding her each step. I want her to have a model she can be proud of. We'll be taking our time on this one. Doing a little more research, I realized I'm going to have to make a few adjustments to the kit in order for it to be a true "Christine." It'll be an adventure.
I'll be scouring the message boards, but if anyone has any good tips, tricks, techniques, etc... feel free to let me know. It's all starting to come back to me, but a lot has changed in 20 years.