Welcome aboard Shreck!
As far as learning from the Masters...well, I don't consider myself a master because I'm always learning from others. Every modeler has his or her strengths and weaknesses in their skillsets. My skills were gleaned from others as well as trial and error over the 30 plus years of building models.
You just have to try different things and find out which techniques work best for you. Once you've developed your comfort zone, then you'll need to push outside to improve even more. As with anything, start with the basics then go onto the advanced. Jumping ahead can mean dissappointment and frustration with the hobby, something we've all experienced. When we have had those experiences, those of us who have continued on did so by taking a step back, to get our skills solidily in place before pressing on.
If I can be of assistance feel free to contact me, that's part of what I do in my business, help modelers. The gang here is make up of some wild and crazy guys and gals, all are good eggs who enjoy the hobby.
Just remember to keep it fun!