I'm new to the forum, and figured since I just made my first post I should probably get over here and introduce myself. I'm 35 yrs old, and come from Humble (Houston), TX. I share the same story most all the other "older" crowd shares. I built models as a kid and into my teens, then I discovered girls and my truck and modeling took a backseat. Fast forward many years and now I find myself married with kids and that old bug has bit me again. I have done a couple of models for friends in recent years...nothing fancy just straight out of the box, but they had no skills and asked me to do 'em. The last one I did for myself was a recreation of the car Dale Earnhardt rolled and continued on to finish the '97 Dyatona 500. It was my first time to do something that strayed away from the box and got my feet wet (and fingers burnt) with "scartchbuilding" (I use that term VERY loosely). I'm in the Air Force and just recently got stationed in Spain. That's the real reason for the return to modeling, I had jumped head first into wood working for many years but had to sell most of my tools to come here...>moment of silence for my tools<...I've got a B-17 that has been sitting on a shelf for about 2-3yrs and it's time to get after it. More to come on that later, I have questions about "styrene." I've been recently poking at my 10 yr old to maybe get something sparked in him. We sat and did a Star Wars snap-together model he received for Christmas and he loves building Lego kits...so maybe that's a start...
Well, I guess that's it in a nutshell.