Hi everyone. I'm new to the hobby yet an old hack. What I mean is i was big into model building as a kid but my skills never developed past that of a kid.
I've been out of the hobby for some time now. What brought me back was that for Christmas my girlfriend bought me two model kits. Well now that I'm older I decided i wanted to start it again, but this time I want to do it right.
As much as I want to do this and do it right I'm not prepared to go crazy and buy every modeling gadget there is. I do however want to get a good start and see where it goes from there.
This is where all of you come in. What are some things I need to get started? Tools and especially an spray gun? I don't want to waste my time with a cheap toy store unit but then again I don't want a real expensive one. I'm also looking for a great reference(s) for tips and techniques/ How to's.
I already have an idea in mind for my first military diorama but I need help finding the kits. I want to make a tribute to the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) from the North Africa Campaign. I saw a model for the LRDG truck on one of their websites but have no clue who makes it or if its still available. If anyone can help point me in the right direction that would be great.
I currently have 4 models sitting waiting to be done.
66 Mustang 2+2
P-51 Mustang (from the dollar store. lol) I felt it would be good for practice.
The Seaquest DSV. I've had this one since the show was still on the air. I have been waiting to develop the skills to paint it up right.
Suggestions welcome.
Thanks for your time guys