Greetings from Mexico!
My name is Ignacio (call me Nacho) Cabrera from the Mexico City metropolitan area. I am a Homeopathic Veterinarian, married for 21 tears, and have a 17 y'old daughter. My passion is WWII airplanes, specially allies, but I ocassionaly go into cars, figures, and military vehicles. I am quite stuborn, so I do not follow the general in fashion techniques, but I sometimes understand and do it. I belong to a group called HangarMX supposedly deicated to Mexican Aviation, but recently we had gone into foreign projects. Mostly I feel a compromise with the men who flew those machines, so I like historical research a lot (Internet helps much) and almost all my models have a personal histiry behind. Those gentelmen, and my beloved Lilly Litvak had taught me many lesons, from Erich Hartamnn and Adolf Galland to Nguyen van Trung and Neil Armstrong.
I'm happpy to join at last!
Polikarpov Mesteño