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Revenant, the movie.

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  • Member since
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Posted by SprueOne on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 7:59 PM


That really wonderful war movie "Battle of the Bulge" was filmed in the summer on the treeless "Plains...of Spain".




I didn't know that


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Iron Rails 2015 by Wayne Cassell Weekend Madness sprueone

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  • From: Saint Anthony, North Dakota
Posted by gjw on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 6:42 PM

With a sprinkle of snow to boot. Atleast Eisenhower called it out Wink

  • Member since
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Posted by GMorrison on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 10:50 PM

That really wonderful war movie "Battle of the Bulge" was filmed in the summer on the treeless "Plains...of Spain".


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Posted by SprueOne on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 8:51 PM


It was filmed mostly in Canada with one scene filmed near Libbie Montana. Another interesting thing is that he was attacked in August and it turned out that he never killed John Fitzgerald or even tried. Also he never had a Pawnee son. With all that aside it was an enjoyable movie.



Thanks for the info. That's what I thought but wasn't sure. 

Do you remember the scene with the avalanche? Do you think that was planned and created or did it just happen and Leo just reacted to it ad-lib and they kept it in the movie?


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Iron Rails 2015 by Wayne Cassell Weekend Madness sprueone

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Posted by lonemoose on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 9:28 AM


Ya also it really bugs me that a lot of things in the film are fiction yet many claim how accurate it is. Still an excellent film though and very accurate in it's depiction of the Arikara Indians instead of going for a simple Lakota look to them.



the 4 most meaningless words ever in a film, 'Based upon actual events'... lol!

Many Bothans died to bring us this information... I wish it had been Ewoks... but no... it was Bothans...


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  • From: Saint Anthony, North Dakota
Posted by gjw on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:26 AM

Ya also it really bugs me that a lot of things in the film are fiction yet many claim how accurate it is. Still an excellent film though and very accurate in it's depiction of the Arikara Indians instead of going for a simple Lakota look to them.


  • Member since
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  • From: Saint Anthony, North Dakota
Posted by gjw on Monday, February 22, 2016 9:46 PM

It was filmed mostly in Canada with one scene filmed near Libbie Montana. Another interesting thing is that he was attacked in August and it turned out that he never killed John Fitzgerald or even tried. Also he never had a Pawnee son. With all that aside it was an enjoyable movie.


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Posted by SprueOne on Monday, February 22, 2016 9:03 PM

Where was the movie filmed? I usually stay through all the credits but this time I was hungry and left. 

Anyone with a good car don't need to be justified - Hazel Motes


Iron Rails 2015 by Wayne Cassell Weekend Madness sprueone

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  • From: Massachusetts - now Maine
Posted by lonemoose on Monday, February 22, 2016 10:11 AM


One thing that really dissappointed me about rhefilm is how it litterally looks nothing like the area the story happened. I happen to live very close to the north dakota south dakota border where he was attacked by the grizzly and it is interesting to see huge 40 foot trees in an area with none past 1 mile of the river bottom. But I guess thats Hollywood for ya.



brother - i friggin hate that in a movie! when you just know it ain't where the story is supposed to be happening! loL! it sux! and you can't NOT notice it!


Many Bothans died to bring us this information... I wish it had been Ewoks... but no... it was Bothans...


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  • From: Massachusetts - now Maine
Posted by lonemoose on Monday, February 22, 2016 4:43 AM

i love movies man. I havent seen Revenant but am looking forward to it. DiCaprio can be a good actor - or not. A lot always depends on the writing. I liked him in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Titanic, Gangs of New York, Romeo + Juliet...

i have seen a lot of Black Bears here in Maine. Seen blacks and brown/Griz/Kodiak too in Alaska (from the tourist helicopter! ha! so much for close encounters!) went to wait at end of drive for schoolbus one day here (we have about a 100m driveway and live on a dirt road, no neighbors...) when i was about 11... i get to end of driveway, waiting for bus, when i look over at the apple tree about 10 meters up the road... it had a black bear standing next to it shaking the apples out - next thing i know i am in the back door of the house catching my breath...

good times! LOL! also, we can hunt bear here in many ways, and trap them. i don't intentionally hunt them but if i had a bear-opportunity while deer hunting i would take it. done right, a fall bear can be tasty - sausage is best for that meat. the liver and gall bladder can be sold for some $ too. i have been in on a few bear hunts - i always got the call from friends right after dark and the conversation always starts with 'so i shot this bear and he ran off...' then it's heavy caliber pistols, head lamps and tactical lights and whisky... call me old fashioned but if you are helping a friend find wounded bears at night in the woods it is perfectly OK to drink a sh|+load of whisky before you start crawling around looking for blood trace...


Many Bothans died to bring us this information... I wish it had been Ewoks... but no... it was Bothans...


Rock Star, Brain Surgeon

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  • From: Saint Anthony, North Dakota
Posted by gjw on Monday, February 22, 2016 2:26 AM

One thing that really dissappointed me about rhefilm is how it litterally looks nothing like the area the story happened. I happen to live very close to the north dakota south dakota border where he was attacked by the grizzly and it is interesting to see huge 40 foot trees in an area with none past 1 mile of the river bottom. But I guess thats Hollywood for ya.


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  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Thursday, February 18, 2016 9:51 AM

I agree with you.  I feel he is a solid actor as well. I like the guy and many of his movies.

They are touting Revenant as a possible Academy Award for him.  Honestly, I don't get that.  He has very little dialog in this movie. But, what do I know. I am sure, not much.

One other thing.  Have you seen the clips with Leo and Lady Gaga at the Golden Globes? I crack-up every time I see it.  His expressions are priceless as she brushes past him.  If you have not seen it, google it. That is a guy having a good time in life.  I wish it was me.

  • Member since
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Posted by ajd3530 on Thursday, February 18, 2016 9:24 AM


I thought Leo was pretty good in the Aviator. 



He was outstanding in The Departed and (although I didn't like the movie it's self) Revolutionary Road. Inception was a good roll for him too, and I found him extremely entertaining in Django Unchained. His best "young Leo" job was probably Catch Me If You Can.

The guy gets a bad rap because of his earlier stuff. I feel he is an extremely solid actor.

As for the movie, we have a local theater that is kinda run down that runs 2nd run movies. Get a ticket and a huge popcorn for $10 bucks. If they pick it up, I'll go see it. Or Redbox it when it comes out.

  • Member since
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Posted by gobobbie on Friday, February 12, 2016 4:59 PM

At my history book club meeting we discussed the story. The basic story is true, Hugo Glass was a scout for a fur trading company and was mauled  by a bear. The group left 3 men to either stay with him or bury him. The three included young Jim Bridger. One of the group told the others he was dead and they left while stealing his rifle. Hugo got out his grave, walked the 200 miles back to the fort. He forgave them all saying he might have done the same thing. The Indian boy and the tribes were just added to a novel about the basic story. Leo is an incredible actor and the story of the filming is an interesting story in just simple logistics of movie making. Bob Gregory Ruining one kit at a time

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  • From: Pineapple Country, Queensland, Australia
Posted by Wirraway on Friday, February 12, 2016 4:29 AM
There was one scene, where he was being chased on horseback by Indians. He fires off multiple shots in quick succession. Now with a muzzle loading pistol, its powder, then wad, and bullet. Then ram it down. Flintlock so you would need to *** it again. Pretty hard on a galloping horse. That kinda soured it for me. apart from that it was OK.

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Posted by aWintersTale on Monday, February 8, 2016 12:13 AM

Fozzie bear (Muppets). Huggy bear (Starsky & Hutch). That's about the extent of my bear encounters.

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Posted by GMorrison on Friday, February 5, 2016 9:06 AM

On the list: The Finest Hour.


Bridge of Spies is about out on cable.

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Posted by GMorrison on Friday, February 5, 2016 9:05 AM

I would never see that movie, but I'm familiar with the story. Took the poor woman with him.

Where I live we have frequent cougar sightings. Including once in my front area.

I think those guys are pretty cool, so long as I keep the dog away from them.

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  • From: California
Posted by SprueOne on Thursday, February 4, 2016 8:38 PM

Anyway, back to Revenant, the movie.

I usually sit all the way through the credits to see where the movie was filmed etc. Did anyone sit through the credits and see this? Also, during the movie, remember the distant avalanche scene? Was that real during filming and was left in the movie? 



Anyone with a good car don't need to be justified - Hazel Motes


Iron Rails 2015 by Wayne Cassell Weekend Madness sprueone

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Posted by SprueOne on Thursday, February 4, 2016 8:34 PM

GM and GAMERA, good jokes! 

Have you seen the documentary, Grizzly Man? An informative documentary about a dude that camps out there with bears and... well I wont spoil it. If you need to borrow it, I have it on DVD 

Anyone with a good car don't need to be justified - Hazel Motes


Iron Rails 2015 by Wayne Cassell Weekend Madness sprueone

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Posted by Gamera on Thursday, February 4, 2016 9:53 AM

That reminds me of the old joke about the hikers and the ranger. The ranger tells the hikers that there are black bears in the park that are mostly safe and the grizzlies which are dangerous. 'You should wear small bells on your clothing so you don't startle the bears and avoid the areas the grizzlies live' he tells them. 'You can tell where the grizzies are from the poop they leave.' The hikers ask him 'how do you tell the grizzly poop from the black bear poop?'

The ranger tell them 'the grizzly poop has small bells in it...'

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  • Member since
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  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Thursday, February 4, 2016 8:53 AM

Say GM, I was not sure how to interpret, "Now this ain't no ***, but..."  If this is in reference to a BF, I would love to hear about it.


T.B.,  it sounds like you had a close encounter of the bear kind, too!

  • Member since
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Posted by tankerbuilder on Thursday, February 4, 2016 6:32 AM

Ya Know ;

      I know they ain't real friendly and all .So the kids snuggle with " Teddy Bears " Because of some president .

  Makes you think don't it ? Why that snuggle Icon , when a Lamb or Cat would be better ?  The Last time me and a bear came face to face he got the truck and I got the  heck outta there !     T.B.

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  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Thursday, February 4, 2016 6:30 AM

Funny bear joke. It might even work. He should be wearing them though. Eats

  • Member since
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Posted by GMorrison on Thursday, February 4, 2016 12:13 AM

Sure, hate the things, could tell you a story or two.

"Now this ain't no bull ***, but..."


Old bear joke:

Two guys are packing their backpacks for a hike in the woods.

Sees his friend putting a pair of running shoes into the top of his pack.

"What are those for, going to jog?".

"No, that's in case we see a bear".

"But you can't outrun a bear!".

"Nope, I just need to outrun you".

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  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 11:56 PM

You guys are giving me an even greater respect for these things. In short, I will stay the heck away from where they live.

I recently watched an interesting program on Hybrid Bears. It was about a guy that paid big bucks to hunt a Polar Bear. With the help of a guide he bagged one, then had it inspected to make sure he was within the limits of his permit. His permit allowed for the killing of a polar bear, but none other. To shoot anything outside of what the permit authorized could land him in jail along with receiving a huge fine. The bear looked odd and so the inspector was sure that it was a grizzly. He withheld the carcass for further investigation. After going through extensive DNA analysis it was determined that it was in fact a hybrid polar/grizzly. Since the animal was part polar bear, the hunter was in the clear and he could take the carcass home. DNA testing showed that mother was a polar bear. Apparently, as ferocious as polar bears can be they have been seen to cower next to a grizzly, and to let them have their way. Anyway, is was an interesting program. National Geographic produced it.

I wonder if anyone here has seen a Bigfoot. Indifferent  Could be an interesting topic.

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  • From: Northern Virginia
Posted by ygmodeler4 on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 10:52 PM
I do not like bears either. Granted, here in VA all we have are black buddy had one come all the way up into his tree his stand was set up in and started sniffing his foot. He got the whole thing on video...i would have been shooting it with something other than my phone. Have not seen the movie but I want to.


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Posted by GMorrison on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 10:34 PM

East Texas? Always wanted to go out there. Ever see a rattlesnake, LOL.

Hiking up a trail one time, I heard a bunch of people talking but could not find them anywhere.

Finally looked straight up, they were on top of an enormous boulder. All waving their hands and pointing up the trail, where a couple of bears were just devastating their camp.

Two seconds later:

"Hey, views nice up here".

I hate bears.

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  • Member since
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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by panzerpilot on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 10:00 PM

Having grown up in the woods of east Texas and spending most of my youth out in the forest whenever I could, I'm not scared of many critters. Now bears? No thanks. I think proper camping or hiking in bear country would involve claymore mines, RPG's and the ability to call in an air strike. 



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