Glead to hear your still with us.
As a veteran with not only battle damage but also a virus struck me and damaged my heart muscle by 85%.
What we both have gone through is, believe it or not, life changing. This can cause havoc not only to you but around the family.
My recommendations is to listen to your body... or start doing it and when it tells you to sit down... DO IT!
Listen to your medics and consultants and stick to the tablets like glue. Build a routine around it so it becomes second nature.
Change your diet. You don't really have to change what you eat, but just how much and of course, cut down the old booze.
More home cooked forr. Change how you cook it. Use more olive oil, rape seed oil to cook in instead of fats and alsso have more lean and white meat and fish. Tuna, Salmon..... Many tasty ways. Have red meat once ot twice a week, cut down the McDonalds, Wendys etc to once a month. More fresh fruit and salads (cold meat cuts with them).
Your colesterol should come down. I did this and my colesterol came down and is 3.4. My diet has not realy changed, just how much I eat has, what and when. I have two bottles of beer a week and a very small measure of single Malt Whiskey on a friday night as a treat. This doesn't affect how my meds work and some are strong doses.
Everybody is different though and you have to work through these changes with a positive attitude and rope the family in to help. It has taken me 7 years to pick myself up and get back into geat. but what's happened to me is permanent and can't be changed. Life now for me is in the slow lane but I have still recovered enough to be 50% of what I used to be health and fitness wise. That's all I can get because the motor is damaged but it is still good enough to get me in trouble with my sister!
listen to the physio, become a (rubber) ball squeezer! LOL get those excersises done refuse to be beaten and listen to your body!
While I was in hospital for quite an extended period the ward sister was just like an RSM (Regimental Sergeant Major). Never let me get away with anything, wouldn't let me feel sorry for myself, caring but as tough as nails! There were quite a few slanging matches and low flying bed pans!
Still... they put me on the right track and I have stuck to it... that's probably while I'm still here annoying folks.
So... you get on with life. refuse to be beaten and I look forwards to seeing your builds being posted.
James (AKA Snap the Mad!)