Thanks again guys, you da bomb.
Gam, yeah, I'm looking at the US this year, German next, then Japanese so that would be....2021?? Yikes, seems like a long time but it will be here before you know it. If your still doing the Japanese GB then guess what I'm entering in 2021. No dout it will go into 2022, that is if I can wait that long.
Castel, well lets see. I immediately felt like I could do just about anything but the rest of my body argued about that. My mussles won't respond as well as they used to however my O2 levels are at 100% most of the time. The incision area took a few months before the numbness went away, blessing there, but now it feels strange to the touch, kinda tender still. and I have heard from ladys who have had the same procedure they say it feels like your wearing an underwire bra. Now I know what they go through but I can't take mine off, you get use to it. I am reminded daily of the procedure, not only because of the handfull of pills I have to take 4 times a day but because my chest area feels diffrent and always will. I have to now and allways will, be careful around people and be concheenchis about illnesses. I will always be susesstable to illnesses, especially cold's and flu's. Some transplant recepiants can ween theirselves off the anti-rejection drugs over time but lung recepiants can not. I still have the shakes on occasion due to the Prograph and probably always will but that has not or will not stop me from modeling or working with PE.
I'm sure that's far more than you wanted to know. In all probability I would have passed last year and most certantly this, so it has been worth everything I have gone through.