I still do R.C. Only I now confine it to Water. The hulls, filled with foam don't sink, as of yet anyway. The most I have invested is the cost of the Radio Transmitter and Reciever. All the ships and boats are built according to plans. Now the thing is the material is Plastic scrap and Evergreen.
Oh, I forgot the cost of the batteries which also supply the ballast. They run about $60.00 to $150.00 apiece. 12 Volt lets me run for at least three hours at ahead full. Four and a half hours at ahead standard!
The fastest boat I have is a scratch-Built Ranger bass Boat with three Ken dolls on board. She will do a screaming RealTwenty M.P.H with the Scratchbuilt Out Board engine! I run a slightly oversize prop on everything to get scale performance. On the Bass Boat I also run what is known to Bass-Fisherman as a " Whale Tail " on the engine to act as a cavitation plate!