No, my job is not essential. I supervise a section of an assembly line where workers put refrigerator doors on fairly expensive refrigerators ($2000-4000 units). Last week, we had almost 7 weeks of inventory on hand. Our normal goal is 4.5 weeks on hand.
Since it is an assembly line, every unit we touch has already been touched by dozens of people up stream from us. Every door we put on has also been assembled and touched by another dozen or so people.
I supervise a dozen people who do stand about 5-6 feet apart, but I often have to jump in to assist someone who has a problem, so there is no "social distancing" in my duties. I also have to interact with the lines that make the right and left hand doors, the team that installs the freezer doors, as well as the people who provide our parts.
If anything, I'm the one who would spread the virus from an infected person to all of the others.
Last week, the company announced a shutdown lasting from 3/23/20 to 4/6/20, but decided to adjust the dates to 3/20/20 to 3/30/20. It does look like our governor might pressure or even order us to remain out longer.
It's odd though; no one is really working anywhere, so who do they think will be buying the appliances we make (other buildings make dishwashers, washing machines and dryers). People are more concerned with buying neccessities and paying the rent.