My understanding is that this is a SpaceX design. Built and run by SpaceX. Totally. From inception to splashdown.
Every other man-rated space craft is a collection of hardware, built to spec, based on NASA contracts. The Saturn V/Apollo was not designed, tested, built, flown, controlled by, and recovered by one company.
Each stage of the Saturn V were built by different companies (Boeing/NA/Douglas I think). Heck, the engines were designed and built by different companies. As was the Apollo spacecraft. NA for the Command/service module Gruman for the LM.
It is my understanding that SpaceX designed/built/tested/flys/recovers everything. The motors, boosters, second stage, capsule AND the launch site, command and control, flight opps, and recovery.
Thats a BIG deal.
NASA has been involved, very closely, from the start. But SpaceX has controled all the decision points and execution.
And yes NASA is paying most of the costs, for now. Also the 2 astronauts are NASA employees. Both with prior Shuttle experience.
But lets remember that SpaceX has (Almost) done what previously only the USA/Russia/China (AS A NATION!) has been able to do.
SpaceX, With the safe recovery of the 2 astronauts, wiil join a very elite club.
The launch was great! I watched the whole thing. Like others I miss Walter Cronkite.
Much of the coverage seemed like a bad saturday morning kids science show. VERY dumbed down.
The Space suits do look way too fashionable, But as said they are not for EVAs, just to keep the astonauts alive if cabin pressure is lost.
To me the capsule looks way too clean and sparse, but I grew up watching Mecury/Gemini/Apollo/STS. If you went from a 707 cockpit and compared it to a 787 cockpit in one step the effect would probably be the same.
Yah, Musk is kind of a snake oil salesman. I don't care for him, but what SpaceX has done is truly remarkable.
Now lets just get the 2 guys back safely!