Many may not agree with me and I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I have come to find that I do not care for people giving me models as gifts. Why? Because it causes me undue stress to recieve a model I don't have any desire to build, yet because it was a gift I feel obligated to build it. Nevermind the fact the scale is not the scale I build, the subject is not the subject I am interested in building, and the brand is one I've sworn off of because their instructions are shoddy, or their fit is always bad, etc. etc.
I did accept it graciously and I built the model but it was not an enjoyable experience, it was more of a grind just to get it out of the way so I could get back on track with what I really desire to build.
Anyone else have this issue? How do you let family or friends know they don't need to do that, or do you just graciously accept it and say I'll put it in the stash, after which time it never gets touched again? Or do you build it no matter what because it was a gift?