So, there we were, dealing with the china virus and losing money on a daily basis while trying to stay open, at least to some extent, to do our mission of serving veterans. Now, in an attempt to raise a little desperately need funds, I'm considering hosting a model contest and show. This in itself is no big thing, but the problem is finding out how much interest there may be in my area. We have no dedicated model hobby shops here, though we have an RC shop that also sells models and a Hobby Lobby, and a Michaels. I tried to locate some local modelers through a friend and her Facebook account (I don't do Facebook); and she did communicate with several who 'sounded' interested to very interested, but nobody has contected me as of yet (been two weeks).
So, I'm asking you, my esteemed colleagues; how do I get this thing going??
"Why do I do this? Because the money's good, the scenery changes and they let me use explosives, okay?"