I haven't built much this year, though I have painted more figures.
I don't do modeling resolutions anymore, because I don't keep to them. I think I made one this year, a Shelf of Doom resolution to finish some stalled builds. Or maybe I made it for 2021. Either way, I haven't finished any of them.
As far as build blogs go, I stopped doing build blogs, because it got to be to much of a pain to stop and take pictures to post as I went along.
I don't jump on group builds anymore, either, because I just can't follow the pace.
I don't know that activity here is down, though, without having any kind of metrics to see first.
But in the end, it's a hobby. I haven't built as much, mostly because I just haven't felt like it. And if I force myself to build, it becomes work, and I'll want even less to do it.
We should build what we like, as much or as little as we like, and have fun.