Here's an update on my conflict with the X-Acto knife:
I got the stitches out last Wednesday; the kid who took them out advised that I might rpt might end up with a scar... I'd figured that one out all my my lonesome, and I didn't go to med school.
Saturday I received the statement from Blue Cross/Shield and the only thing they paid for was the office visit, nothing for the medical treatment, or shots, leaving me with a balance due the walk-in clinic of $288.00. It didn't seem quite right, so yesterday I phoned Blue Cross and was advised that on the form the clinic submitted to them they neglected to check off the box down there somewhere that my encounter with the knife was accidential. Sooooo, Blue Cross considered it to be "self inflicted" and therefore the medical treatment was not allowable.... I admitted that yes, I had done it to myself, but it was not intentional and was clearly accidential. As my cousin, a retired MD, said if I had been trying for hari kari, I missed big time. Blue Cross advised that all that had to be done was to have the clinic resubmit the claim form and make sure that they ticked off the box that it was an accident and that they, Blue Cross, would pay for everything. I think I finally got the folk convinced at the clinic of what they had to do after about 30 minutes on the phone with them yesterday afternoon.
Needless to say, regardless of who pays, this is going to be the most expensive propeller I've ever put on a plane. Sunday, I took my life in my hands and got it carved without any more loss of blood and yesterday got a coat of stain down on it.... I definitely have learned my lesson and am real cautious about using my X-Acto knives...
Dick McC