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A little off topic, but that's alright...

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A little off topic, but that's alright...
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 24, 2003 9:50 PM
I wonder what scares you guys? Worst fears?

For me, I fear snakes, the thought makes me shiver

I also fear height...Sad [:(]
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Posted by M1abramsRules on Monday, November 24, 2003 9:56 PM
I don't really know, wouldn't want to see a couple wolves or cougar sneaking around me in the woods. but I wouldn't really classify that as a fear, more like a healhy respect.
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  • From: Rain USA, Vancouver WA
Posted by tigerman on Monday, November 24, 2003 9:59 PM
Heights and speaking before a large group. The latter isn't so hard here, because it isn't face to face.

"It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow too fond of it."-R.E.Lee


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Posted by Dwight Ta-ala on Monday, November 24, 2003 10:19 PM
To find that all hobby shops have all gone and no place to get models?

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 24, 2003 10:43 PM
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Posted by stinger on Monday, November 24, 2003 10:55 PM
Are you kidding??


Just a German thing that seems to run rampant in my family (not to get too personal here Shy [8)]).

I had a dream the other night.
My favorite cat, "Wolfie" Wolfgang (seriously here), spoke to me, grew wings, and flew off on some sort of mission. That scared me.

Basically, I fear anything bad happening to anyone I love, such as children, parents, loved ones. Things that are out of our control.

And then there is that first coat of dullcoat lacquer over my otherwise, (almost) perfect, camo/decal/weathered, thatI'vespentthelastsixweekson, ....Dornier Do17z, ....... thing.

And then yet again,....... the phone ringing in the middle of the night.

Bottom line is, I try each day to fear less, and learn/understand more.

May an Angel be your wingman, and the Sun be always at your six

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 24, 2003 10:55 PM
MY WIFE when shes in a bad mood....Ill take the snakes,rats,scorpions and anything else ya can throw at me just NOT THAT!
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  • From: South Australia
Posted by South Aussie on Monday, November 24, 2003 11:17 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by HistoryinScale

MY WIFE when shes in a bad mood....Ill take the snakes,rats,scorpions and anything else ya can throw at me just NOT THAT!

Sign - Ditto [#ditto]Sign - Ditto [#ditto]
Wayne I enjoy getting older, especially when I consider the alternative.
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  • From: Waukesha, WI
Posted by David Voss on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:43 AM
Speaking as a worst fear is something happening to my kids.

For myself, ditto on what tigerman said..."Heights and speaking before a large group."
David Voss Senior Web Developer Kalmbach Publishing Co. Join me on the FSM Map
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Posted by djmodels1999 on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:54 AM
Spiders..! Hate the things! Worst modeling fear: seeing my completed models broken-up!
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  • From: Washington State
Posted by leemitcheltree on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 3:07 AM
Probably the thought of anything happening to my wife and daughters.........
Or the possibility of getting chomped by a massive carniverous fish - yech
Oh yeah - I don't like Intensive Care Units - been there, done that...........

Cheers, LeeTree
Remember, Safety Fast!!!

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  • From: Waukesha, WI
Posted by David Voss on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 3:40 AM
Not scary, but more like seriously gross are cockroaches. They are one thing I don't miss from living in Florida.

I remember watching TV and seeing a big fat one pop in from under the front door. Amazing that it could squeeze in, but gross. Or the one time I saw one in the glass cabinet -- the only thing I could without breaking stuff was to catch it using the extension hose on the vacuum. I can still remember the sound it made as it made it's way through the tube. Dead [xx(]
David Voss Senior Web Developer Kalmbach Publishing Co. Join me on the FSM Map
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 4:04 AM
Ahhhhh nothing like a Palmetto bug that managed to get in your house deciding to attempt to dive bomb you and fly right at you!
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 4:48 AM
Never liked the palmetto bugs in Florida either. the sound they make dropping from the barracks ceiling in the middle of the night is a bit spooky... In m y opinion, they are not palmetto bugs. They're huge freakin' cockroaches! Why call them something diffferent?

On the topic, though, after climbing 800 ft towers, having missiles shot at my ship, nearly getting shot, car wrecks, and other mishaps of that nature, I still get a little spooked when a fly buzzes too close to my ear. And I can't stand wasps!
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  • From: United Kingdom / Belgium
Posted by djmodels1999 on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:08 AM
Palemetto bugs..??? Is that something we should know about before we go for the Big Meet in Pensacola..???? Confused [%-)]
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  • From: Waukesha, WI
Posted by David Voss on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:18 AM
Yeah, I never understood why they call them "palmetto bugs" either. Call them whatever you want, but they are still big 'ol cockroaches.
David Voss Senior Web Developer Kalmbach Publishing Co. Join me on the FSM Map
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  • From: Tochigi, Japan
Posted by J-Hulk on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:24 AM
Oh yeah, we have monstrous, flying palmetto bugs in Georgia, too! Unsavory beasts.
Got used to them at a young age, though, so I can't say I fear them.

So what do I guys mean like little, irrational phobias, right?
Hmmm...I studied to be a biologist (specialized in entomology and herpetolgy), so I'm not afraid of any harmless animals...

OK! I got it: My worst fear is being suddenly put in charge of something I know nothing about, and then instantly being expected by my superiors to, without any training whatsover, be able to handle any situation immediately! (This particular nightmare has come true with unfortunate regularity in recent months!)

Well, I suppose that's not an irrational fear!
  • Member since
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  • From: Back home in Blanchard
Posted by wroper11 on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 7:13 AM

Fat women in spandex or bikinis.

Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]

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Posted by erush on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 7:31 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by J-Hulk

OK! I got it: My worst fear is being suddenly put in charge of something I know nothing about, and then instantly being expected by my superiors to, without any training whatsover, be able to handle any situation immediately! (This particular nightmare has come true with unfortunate regularity in recent months!)

Well, I suppose that's not an irrational fear!

That's happened at every job I've had since high school!! Can't say I fear that anymore. Tongue [:P]

Hmmm, let's see...maybe waking up on a busy street corner and realizing I'm nekkid??? Wink [;)] Big Smile [:D] Nah, not too likely to happen I supposeBig Smile [:D]

If I had kids, something happening to them would be my fear. Other than that, nothing I lose sleep over I guess.


Hi, I'm Eric and I'm a Modelholic too. I think I have PE poisioning.     "Friendly fire...isn't"
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  • From: The flat lands of the Southeast
Posted by styrene on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 10:25 AM
For me it's heights, and maybe the occasional spider.

Interestingly, I heard that statistically, speaking in public is the second highest fear after fear of death. And then there are those people I know who would rather die than speak in public.

Gip Winecoff

1882: "God is dead"--F. Nietzsche

1900: "Nietzsche is dead"--God

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Posted by cassibill on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 11:42 AM
Got to be drowning. Nearly did ten years ago and I have panic attacks if the waterfountain gets wacky and I get it in the face.

cdw My life flashes before my eyes and it mostly my life flashing before my eyes!!!Big Smile The 1/144 scale census and message board:

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Posted by Prince of Styrene II on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 12:09 PM
My daughter reaching for a just finished kit! [:0]

The wife woke up the other morning from a disturbing nightmare: Hundreds of zombie skeletons chasing her. The only way to kill them? Apple juice. And the grocery store had only one bottle left! [:0]

"Hold the weapons, Daddy. I'm going to go get my monkeys." The Dutchess of Styrene

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  • From: Third rock from the sun.
Posted by Woody on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 12:36 PM
Needles! Woe to the nurse who doesn't heed my warning. I don't understand the why of it but when someone attempts to give me a shot, my fight or fight instincts take over. I'm only along for the ride at that point. I'm really more scared that I might hurt someone.

" I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harm's way." --John Paul Jones
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  • From: Hayward, CA
Posted by MikeV on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:34 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by J-Hulk

Oh yeah, we have monstrous, flying palmetto bugs in Georgia, too! Unsavory beasts.

Here in Northern California we have what I have heard called, "Japanese Beetles" that are huge and fly!
I don't think they really are Japanese Beetles because from what I could find on the web they are only 3/8" long. These ones I am talking about are at least an inch or more if I remember correctly.
They are not in my immediate area but I have seen them at Lake Shasta which is about 4 hours north.
How do they differ from the Palmetto bugs you mentioned?


Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon
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  • From: Medina, Ohio
Posted by wayne baker on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:37 PM
Swimming. It is staying alive in water. I swallow CO2 cartridges when I take a shower. With my wife dragging me snorkleing and jet skiing in the ocean, I wonder if she is after the insurance.

 I may get so drunk, I have to crawl home. But dammit, I'll crawl like a Marine.

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  • From: Where the coyote howl, NH
Posted by djrost_2000 on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:47 PM
If I'm out in the woods hiking, I'd be afraid of accidentally coming between a Mama bear and her cubs.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:48 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by wroper11


Fat women in spandex or bikinis.

Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]Big Smile [:D]


Don't forget halter tops!Shock [:O]Dead [xx(]

I don't like heights because I get vertigo sometimes, interesting when it happens and I'm running conduit across the warehouse ceiling.
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  • From: Hayward, CA
Posted by MikeV on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 1:49 PM
Living in urban America I would say the greatest fear is getting hit by a stray drive-by shooting bullet which is fairly common these days.


Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 2:35 PM
Mike, since when are you out of your box?Big Smile [:D]

I mean, I thought you only participate in the airbrush forum.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 2:47 PM
Palmetto Bugs...roaches what ever they are prolific!

On a more serious note though, some of my biggest fears besides an angry wife! LOL

Something happening to her or Heather! Something happening to me leaving me disabled...just in general being a failure...wish I could be more specific on the last would require lots of booze and some long hours on a couch in some office.....

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