I'll start "group two" then (edit: "add to group two", missed seeing the start point)
53, started modeling at 8, built since then, right through my time with the Marines,,,,only pause was during my first marriage, she didn't come with a label that said "hates Rexes hobbies",,,,the current and last one was an Army Sarge,,,,so, she goes to shows with me, looks for bargains at the hobby shops while I am looking at the new releases, drives me nuts with questions in front of the hobby tool racks, etc
She helps me plan out our trips across the country, so, she's seen airplane museums, ships, and gate guards all over the country (she took my Avatar photo, that's the Little Rock in Buffalo in the background),,,,,,she's allergic to the modeling fumes, though,,,,,,,,so, I'm switching to Acrylics, etc, to cut down on her misery
life lesson, specific to modeling,,,,,,don't save all the great kits for "some day",,,,,,if you have more than a few done,,,,,,"some day is today",,,,,,you bought them, you deserve to build them,,,,and don't put off building all the old "bad" kits just because someone like me says that "X is better",,,,this is a hobby,,,,,take it as far as you want to,,,,,but no farther,,,,,it's YOURS, not mine,,,,,,"superkits" or "lessor kits",,,,,if you assemble with good workmanship, they all become paint canvases, and it's hard to tell once they are painted and put on the shelf