Railfan 233 said:
Life lesson? live a good life, get away from technology (only use it when necessary) have fun with my good friends (all 6 of them) run at the first sign of trouble, and use your hobbies to relax. And for pete's sake, don't drop the hobby-knife with a fresh blade on your foot!
That is some of the best advice yet!
If all kids in North America could follow this advice there would be a lot less problems with your generation. Sounds like you found girls your age are very materialistic, demanding and self centered. I found some remain this way for life!
Its not what you are driving in, the destination is more important. Better to have a few close friends than be popular with everyone in school, reality sets in for the 'in' crowd after graduation.
Sometime I wonder why I had to learn most lessons the hard way, was it destiny or simple as choosing the wrong path? The important thing is to learn from mistakes and not repeat them. It seems like you are on the correct path and are making good choices for yourself. Good job!