I guess mine is a 2 part story. I remember being young, 5 or 6, and whenever I'd go with my parents to a store that sold models I'd just stand & stare at the all the fantastic boxart and dream.
Hotrods, Tanks, and Planes! Oh My!!
The next few years for every birthday, X-mas, or whatever I'd ask for, and get, a modelkit of one kind or another. Then I hit 14 and suddenly Real cars & Girls seemed so much, MuCh more interesting than a box of plastic bits.
Now fast forword to 1995 and I'm in a Barnes & Nobel looking for something to read. I was at the mgazine rack and thats when I found my first copy of FSM. It was incredible!! I read and reread the mag so much the cover came off. I just could NOT put it down. To this day I still have that May '95 issue.
Soon the temptation was to great so I gave in and went someplace I hadn't been in years, a hobby store. And that, as they say, was that.
I eventually bought a subscription to FSM and joined my local IPMS club. The Salt Lake City chapter to be exact. Now-a-days I even have my own little kit-stash and 2 different types of airbrushs.
Pathetic huh.
Hi. My name is Ray and I'm a... Modelaholic. and the best part?? I don't want to be cured!!
Anyway, Keep your stick on the ice,