This comment should also go into the "keeping it real" department
We are constantly told that the total forum members online don't add up to (insert tiny percentage of the week here) of the total number of model kit customers.
So, a week ago, it was said we had practically "no voice" that could affect other builders or the kit manufacturers (which could be very true, considering the MiG-21 postings, and the kit that ended up coming out anyway)
This week, we all gotta be really careful, or our large "voice in the hobby" might get corporations to shut down their plastic kits division, and focus on,,,,,,ohhhh, I dunno,,,,,,RC cars or Gundams, or something equally shocking
Maybe in January, we'll be able to all get the kits released that we are waiting for to complete our collections,,,,,when the wind shifts in the other direction again?