I remember a phrase I heard in software engineering- build a little, test a little, repeat. To paraphrase that for PE, it is build a little, add a little PE, build a little more, etc.
It is part of the planning process, figuring out what to do when (you cannot totally rely on any kit's instructions). It is like planning when I will paint what, when. And, it very much depends on what genre of model you are building. For instance, most plane kits have cockpits that will be totally enclosed at some step in the build, and of course you must put in the PE before you finish the cockpit.
On ships, there is little internal detail. When I first started putting PE on ships, I tried to hold off and do all PE as an almost last step. Didn't work real well. PE that went, for instance near center of superstructure involved getting past bird cages of rigging. I do railings on ship as last steps but for the other PE it takes planning just like aircraft PE. Now, regardless of the genre, I do this planning step before I do any building, and mark up instruction sheet as to when I add specific PE parts.