Haha, OO,,,,,,and Flathead V-8s and Fours, at that. It is great to see someone that knows that there were F series pickups before the F-150, with their Y-blocks.
AF, I would try to help out, but, all I could do is post photos of engines, and I think you already have those.
The best advice I have is to ask you how close you think the various model Metalizer paints are to the actual metals? And to then suggest that you go from there with your knowledge of what metals the visible parts of the F-16 and F-14 engines are made up with.
I used various Steel, Aluminum and Iron colors for my J-79 models,,,,,but, that doesn't help you much, except to say that the next batch I do will get a coat of one metal color and then the new AK Metal paste in each place that I want the color to vary.