Kevin Ma
Ninja Jet - Quiet, Compact & Portable Air Compressor with Air Hose vs NEO Miniature Air Compressor with Air Hose
which is better?
ninja jet:$10
neo minuature iar compressor:$88
While I absolutely understand being on a budget, you must understand that if you spend 10 dollars on a compressor, you're going to get a ten dollars compressor that yield ten dollar results. A lot of these master sets you'll find on eBay and Amazon for 60 that have several airbrushes in the kit are going to be more heartache in the long run. You're looking at getting Chinese junk when your order stuff like this. That's not an insult by any means, but when they start falling apart, good luck getting replacement parts. Even the neo isn't made by iwata. Look closer and you'll see it says neo for iwata. I've bought one, and while it can yield marginal results, in the end its still pretty much Chinese spin off junk compared to better airbrushes. The lowest I'd recommend shopping for is maybe a badger 100 or 105. Those are both durable and we'll built, plus they offer customer service and replacement parts are readily available online. As far as compressors tcp global does make some solid affordable compressors. Check the tc-20 for a cheap option, or the tc-20t, which is essentially just the tc-20 with a tank on it for added pressure stability. Getting into owning an airbrush isn't cheap, but spend a bit of decent money up front for some decent hardware and you'll be fine.