Forget bare metal foil brand garbage!! HONESTLY! I hate it! I stopped at painting, and polishing the finish which I used Plasti-Kote brand nitrocellulose lacquer in black, and wet - sanded it, and polished it out with Meguiars' number 7 grade to make it shine like a mirror, then put I out Bare metal garbage on it, and now it looks like a kid did it with pieces cut from a GARBAGE CAN!!!! It's dull, and lifeless, and POINTLESS! I stopped right after I painted the body which came after I painted just about everything else, except for the fender skirts, and the hood. I waited, and prayed until technology could catch up with us - now it has with and each one offers this paint in actual spray form.
Now you can buy
which looks like chrome, and is purported to be shinier, and better than alclad II. I bought a bottle of this only I haven't used it yet - I need to make a spray paint booth. After that I'm going to try this stuff out. It's a little more expenisve, or cheaper than Spazstix depending on where you buy from. Check out the reviews, and actual products in use. There's a video on youtube where this girl is using Spazstix, and Alclad II side by side so that you can see the results of each - with a white plastic spoon.
~ Cobra Chris