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A Thought - Logical progression of a Design .

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  • Member since
    January 2006
  • From: NW Washington
Posted by dirkpitt77 on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 9:45 PM

I live a couple hours' drive from Bremerton, and toured the Turner Joy this summer. What an outstanding museum. You can walk through nearly every compartment in the ship. It's clean and the staff are great. I can't say enough good things about it.

I agree with your sentiments on the modern cruise vessels. I can't speak to their seaworthiness, but the appeal of cruises is lost on me. I would very much like to look into a cargo cruise someday, or even a windjammer with a small passenger count-say 20 or so. Good topic, TB.


    "Some say the alien didn't die in the crash.  It survived and drank whiskey and played poker with the locals 'til the Texas Rangers caught wind of it and shot it dead."

  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 4:24 PM

Yes, the Hamilton’s were fantastic ships for the Guard. I served aboard the Rush and Boutwell. The gas turbine power plants would practically get that ship to stand on its tail from a dead stop. The top speed was a anemic at 29 kts and it used a WW2 5" when I joined, but everything was upgraded to an OTO Melara 76 mm super rapid gun and 2 Phalanx. It was even rumored that we were getting some Harpoons, God help us.

Like you I don't have a clue how the new HEC's are working out. I lost my contacts years ago.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
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  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 1:08 PM

Well , Modelcrazy ;

  Think if you will . How many years did the C.G. Wait to get new ships ? The Hamiltons , while old , were the recognizeable bearers of the guard Flag .Then of course , the inshore vessels many of which still serve . Lifeboats now . There's a big improvement there !

   I haven't heard any coments , good or bad about the new class of " High Endurance Cutters " So I won't go there I just think there's a Logical Progression of design that should be followed .I wonder , If they could've kept their toughness , if the Hamiltons could've been Kinda FRAMMED ?

  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Monday, October 31, 2016 12:23 PM
Not sure what you’re asking here TB, or did you want and acknowledgement and a harty Amen brother!
I do now that with the loss of the battleship, the cruiser moved into its empty slot, destroyers moved into the cruisers slot and the frigate came back and occupied the destroyer’s slot. I realize this is off topic from you cruise line thought, and no, I would not be interested in taking a cruise on those monstrosities people call liners. I spent 14 years in the Coast Guard and that would be an insult.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
A Thought - Logical progression of a Design .
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Monday, October 31, 2016 11:57 AM

This may be Boring to some . Bear with me here .The Armor builders will understand this . So will most of the A/C Buillders .  Shipbuilders may not have given this much thought until you get away from sail , which had a lot of that . Subtle perhaps , but there none the less .

     Now enter the U.S.S. Buchanan . Yup ! a four stacker and the epitome of design in W.W. 1 . Now we go forward some years and we get those ubiquitus ships with lots of portholes and a raised foredeck . Nice , but not quite there . Aha W.W.-2 . The Round Bridge Fletchers arrive on the scene . Good but only adequate .

     Next the " Square Bridge " version , Stuffed with more guns than was ever seen on a ship of this size . Now comes the Sumner . Well looky here ! Twin 5'-38 guns and a slightly bigger but more streamlined ship .

 Still not quite here . Whoa ! A Gearing ! Now there's a ship that brought back the memories of a lot of old salt sailors when they saw them . Gunned to the limit and enough torpedoes and depth charges to bring down a battleship ! Then they got ruined by FRAM .

 Enter late in the time the U.S.S. Forest Sherman . Probably one of the prettiest destroyers the Navy ever fielded . Then they kept going .The Turner Joy and others took Destroyer design to the Aegis equipped ships . Originally called destroyers . But ! They were the size of a W.W.-2 Battlecruiser ! Oh well , the chain broke there . I still think the " Forrest Shermans "  were the most beautiful , well balanced design for a destroyer ever to come down the pike !

 This is also something that is self evident in civilian designs . From the Old steamers of the pre and post war eras .The beautiful liners , Regardless of the number of stacks they were truly Queens of the sea , No matter what flag they flew .

 The Normandy had taken the design into new areas that as far as I am concerned culminated in the S.S. United States , now decaying in a Pennslyvania Harbor.

   The New " Cruise Ships " Have only made a mockery of the idea , but , they make a mockery of the genre anytime anyone calls them a ship . I firmly feel a multi-floor hotel with a hole down the length of it , so everyone can have a balcony , and a theme park topside is nothing more than an unseaworthy hotel on a barge !

 There is no real design there . Just a jumble of rooms in two stacks  an atrium down the center and a hull I wouldn't consider seaworthy at all . My gosh , they run like scalded rabbits evert time the seas get over eight feet .That's Not a ship !

      They flex like a rope and need all kinds of stuff to manuever and stabilize themselves . If you want to stay in a hotel and go to a theme park , Go to a Disneyland type place on shore .

      The idea of Cruising or Crossing was to relax , socialize and enjoy the ride . Rest, relax and sleep and eat first class food . Many folks , to get the cruise experience , book a state-room on a cargo ship of some type that does carry passengers and just go where the ship does .They get all the benefits of a SEA cruise without all the B.S associated with busy-body cruise directors and goofy behaving children and adults in the theme areas .

     How can you sit by the ships pool and sip a Mai-Tai and relax , when you are Bombarded the screams and yells and rude behavior of folks on a water slide above or near you ? A Tennis court , Pool or such is fine . Even a running track outlined on deck , but a theme park ? Really ? There's not a logical progression of design there unless it's how much more ridiculous can they get .

      As a ship lover from the Way-Back days I  think , Because of what the sea can throw at them , Ships carrying passengers in large numbers should be a logical progression of design from the S.S. United States or the Normandy . These ships were built to survive the oceans . Like the " Costa Concordia " Those today are not capable of surviving a crews mistakes close inshore .The Liners could .

    The " Titanic " and her sisters were the apex for liners at the time .The disaster that befell them was man made and a fluke , in the case of the " Titanic " . The rest were torpedoed !  Move forward to just before W.W.-2 And there's the NORMANDIE ! Wow what a beautiful ship ! Why has no one seen fit to release a model of her in anything but paper/card media ? 1/700 resin is not for everyone .

      The NORMANDIE was and still is the logicaL Apex of design till the States liners . ( for two stacks that is ) The one stackers from Steamers to Motorships ( those powered by Diesels ) were very good looking too . Take The Andrea Doria and the Christoforo Columbo and the Moore Mcormack Liners . Like the Argentina .

     Oh well ! Think on it and let me know what you decide .   Tanker - Builder 


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