I usually use a couple of coats of liquid cement on both halves, then clamp tight to get a little squeeze out. Let dry completely then scrape and sand to profile. Any "gaps" left I fill with perfect plastic putty (PPP),wiping flush with damp q-tip before it dries.
If it lets go because I let dry too much before clamping, will wick in some Tamiya thin to reglue while clamped.
Gaps between wing root and fuselage can be more problematic, but can be filled with stretched sprue, thin styrene sheet, etc. then finished with putty.
Have pretty much gone to PPP for ease of use and non-shrinkage
Silicone is a no-no, you'll find paint, glue, and anything else won't stick to it, and is a royal pain to get it all off to do repairs.