Dale, I'm glad you'e getting a replacement for your lost dvd.
I'e mentioned before that I have more of a back ground in Collecting comics than modeling. At the moment.
But, I've seen plenty of this crap in comics. You get jazzed up in anticipating a new arrival or some Grail you'e spent months tracking down.. And just like that. Some loser throws a monkey wrench in the works. I don't know what's more offensive to me... someone thieving tools. Or someone purloining hobby items.
A tool thief takes your livelhood. They take things you use to keep your family in food and shelter. Obviously most tools keep their value, are expensive to invest in and make an easy fence at the pawn shop. But the fact is they represent something more. At least to me. I rely on my tools. And I didn't get them easily. It took me many years. And some were my father's that he gave me.
Hobby thieves, on the other hand. (Meaning a guy who shares the same hobby. And understands the amount of work and care and research and value. He Takes your passions and happiness for profit. Jeaousy. Envy or as per comics.. to have the bigger or better hoard. It's disgusting.
I apologize for writing a novel. But thievery, unless it's stealing so you don't die, is inexcusable. And if that guy went into your own mailbox. He's essentially reached into your house.
I wonder though, unless he models.. why take that? It's a strange thing for a non hobby person to take. Is it not?
Weird. I hope someone nabs him.