Lifelike decals cracking. What do I do?
Good morning. I posted three weeks ago about bringing detail out on raised panel lines and got some great feedback, so thank you all!
I am building the old Hasegawa 1/32 Spitfire Mk Vb for a friend in London. I wanted to give it a "Yankee" flavor (as I am from the US), so I purchased "Lifelike" decals to model Sgt. Jack Evans of No. 71 Squadron, Eagle Squadron. Last night I put on the first decals, the two roundels on the upper side of each wing. I noticed the decals were thick. Anyway, I applied some micro set to the model, slid the decals on, then applied more micro sol and micro set back and forth as I always do with a brush. This strategy has worked fine in the past... The brushing (while very light strokes on my part) actually created a few chips in the decal. At the time I was ticked but figured I would just cover up the cracks with dabs of silver paint to imitate chipped paint.
It was late and I tried to smooth out air bubbles with a cotton swab. Eventually I went to bed hoping the micro set would pull in the decal and tighten it.
This morning I see some light cracking in the decal. It's not the end of the world but it does look unsightly. I have two questions:
1) Why did the decals do this?
2) Any artistic weathering suggestions to try and best cover this up?
My guess is that the decals are thicker. My using the Micro set before the micro sol caused the stiff and thick decal to shrink when it wasn't yet soft. That is the best guess I can come up with.
I will try and upload a pic here in another post.
Anyway, any advice for future decal applying would be great... and most importantly, how best do I hide the roundel cracking on this model? Thanks!