To be honest, its probably also worthwhile reminding yourself from time to time, that not all rivet counters are right, as well.
From real world experience, having worked as a Naval Architect for the last 30+ years of my life, couple things that I have learned are;
- a real life ship rarely looks exactly like the drawings
- no two ships ever are exactly alike
- official mods, and unofficial mods get done all the time
- paint fades, peels, and/or gets discolored all the time
- atmospheric and weather conditions can really affect how different colors look
- details can esily get lost under paint
Presumably alot of these will also apply to planes, trains, automobiles, and pieces of armor as well.
As such, to me, as long as something looks reasoable (or even as long as it looks how you want it to look) that may be more important than using the exact correct "FS Code" paint, number of rivets, raised or recessed panel lines (or even no panel lines at all), or a myriad of other issues.