Well these are some odd comments, not necessarily heard at model shows...
This happened at a show in Pennsylvania a few years back:
In the middle of an awards ceremony, all are intently listening to the announcer when all of a sudden, from the back of the crowd, a woman screamed, "I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!!" Everything just STOPPED. Everyone turned around, the announcer was still in his announcing stance, microphone up to his mouth, head tipped forward to read the judging sheets but peering over the top of his bi-focals, and there was utter silence for about 5 seconds. Then, everyone turned back around, all at once, just as the announcer continued reading as if nothing had happened.
This was uttered at one of our weekly Saturday Groovy Get-togethers at Guido's:
Wayners brings in the new Hasegawa 48th F-8 Crusader for us to peruse. Upon opening the box and inspecting the kit, the Goon says, "What's up with all the plastic pieces?" Wayners rebutts, with a straight face, "It's a a PLASTIC model kit, Dave". (Dave was referring to the large number of plasticized rubber bearings included in the kit but, as usual, let go with another of his now trademarked "Davisms". Other examples of Davisms: "Armor Piercing Armor", "Tuskaheegee Airmen", "Fuselarge", "Gear Struct" and "Rex Area". This last was uttered on the way to a show at the USAF Museum in Dayton. I have to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one though, it had been a long drive... strangely, he has no problem with the pronunciation of such words as "archeological".)
At one of our Mall Shows, a guy walked up to us and said the following, "I figured out what the I, the M and the S stand for, but what's the P?" We told him "Plastic" at which point he asked if the models were made of metal. Nice guy, though.
There are others, but I can't recall them at the moment. Goin' to the Rock tonite and hopefully the boys will help refresh my memory!
Fade to Black...