interesting topic.... just this last weekend I went to Hobby Lobby to get some paints... I noticed the Hobby Craft Spitfire Mk Vb (1/24) was marked down to $40.00 from $120.00... Made the mistake of casually mentioning this to my wife in the parking lot... after her 15 minute tirade about how they would be gone if I didn't get it now... and down the line I would end up spending 120.00 because I wanted it so bad etc.. etc.. etc..
Needless to say I caved in... (I really wanted to see if they would mark it down to 20.00... no one seems interested in them it seems...)
Maybe if you found a good price on what ya want then use that strategy... (if I dont get it now the prices will go back up and I will end up getting it later for the higher price, even as a present etc..)
What has worked on my wife as well is mentioning I found what I was going to get her for Xmas... as we are nearing a hobby shop... she then asks me what *I* want.. I say a model... *SHE* says well you need to show me which one... we turn into the hobby store, I show her which one... she says "well you might as well get it now because I only see one of them and they might not have it closer to Xmas, and I am not driving out here in Christmas traffic and not find it, because I wouldn't know what else to pick out for you" if I am feeling lucky I tell her about another one that would be my second choice if the first is not there and show it to her... again, "well get it now because it might not be here for Christmas... "
I am thinking of going for 3 today... never made it that far yet... I'm so glad my wife hates traffic!!!