This reminds me of a topic on an other forum several years back.
An "expert modeler", (who has had more than a few articles printed in
Kalmbach publications), made refference to two classes: Modelers and
builders (Small 'b' his emphasis).
His dissertation wasn't as nice as Durr's.
So I am a hack builder!
But then again, when I find something I know to be kaa-kaa, I strive to "make it right".
Whether, I acheive the end result required to the lofty post of "
MODELER" (angels sing, lights through the clouds, and puppies and kitties playing blissfully). . .well I don't care!
I have modified my father-in-laws philosophy of 'good enough for who it's for', to TLAR, 'That looks about right'.
When photographed from an angle I set up, they are good enough for FSM or even an IPMS judge!! (well maybe!)
I know it's only rock and roll, but I like it.