Hi Gertjan,
Thank you for your kind words.
I love the EC-135 kit. The interior was just fine.
Based upon my experiance with the kit, when you assemble the medical
interior, It's good to use some masking tape to help hold things in
place. The glue I use (Ross Sniff-Proof) will grab well
within a few minutes. As for for assembling inside the
body, I always will mount the interior to one half of the body first,
let it cure, then bond the body halfs together. It's worked
well for me. I have two more EC kits waiting for me when I
finally get these things done. 1/72 is too small for me. The smallest would have to be 1/48.
The only problem I've run into with the kit is the rotor head.
Take your time on that. The blade tabs fit too snug. So you
will need to do some trimming or sanding on the sides and very little
on the holes. Don't force anything.
As for the molds, I use RTV (Room Temperature Vaulcanized
Rubber.). I've made reinforced Latex skined molds in the past
with a Gypsum plaster base. That works o.k. too. But if you
can afford the RTV, that's the best way to go. Latex is cheap
however, some people are very alergic to Latex.
There are some other guys here with waaaay more experiance than I do
when it comes to techniques and other neat stuff. I've been away
too long and am trying to get caught up on the latest and greatest.
It's always good to hear from you!
-The more I'm around humans, the more I prefer the company of birds and animals
-Even though the voices aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
-Here's your sign!