Hello Everyone,
This is my second post to the Forums and first to the Diorama section. I built a 1\35 scale PZ.IV which was my first model of my adult life and I wanted to continue the adventure on my "First" so I decided to attempt a Diorama. To keep it simple I ordered a resin base that I could simply practice my new air brushing skills. Honestly that was the plan!
I got my sunken road resin base and even though it was rated 1\32 and 1\35 scale my PZ.IV wouldn't fit but I was so impressed on the quality and the fact the President of the company included a hand written note with the shipment requesting pics and follow up that I had to use it.
Out came the Dremel and after hours of thoughtful removal of material my PZ had a home.
I was going to just start my painting practice and I got a gentle push from a great guy on the Forums to expand my plans and after a couple emails back and forth and links to tutorials I dove in.
I wanted to create a more natural look so I combined some Celluclay, water, white glue and a mix of Tamiya Earth and Dark Brown and spread it over the base after I base coated with a light grey.
I have to admit I was not impressed but I trusted Karl so I started adding tread tracks with my Magic track template that I had made with extra parts.
I then set the main base aside to dry on top of a portable radiant heater I keep in my garage and started on the wall.
Now about that I have painted many walls but never in 1\35th scale so I did exactly what everyone on these forums have suggested I went to talk to the train guys at the LHS and they were super helpful on color suggestions so I bought my first Poly Scale paints which are great! I chose Cement for the wall and Mineral Oxide for the brick and raced home and nine hours later I was done with the wall except for weathering.
Silly Putty was used to mask the bricks as suggested here on these great forums. Armor Guys Rock!
I almost didn't paint the bricks red because I liked the look so much but I was commited. Plan the work and work the Plan!
I then used oil washes speeding up the process with a hair dryer.
Back to my dried base which took aobut 24 hours to dry. I base coated it with three coats of grey and then Tamiya Earth. It was very thirsty!
Out came the air brush again for some experimenting and some additional experimenting with my first pig pigments. I only used Europe Dust and Light Dust for the entire project.
Dry brushing brought out the details and dried mud look I was lookin for.
Now for I added my Pz.IV back to the model and blending into the base with pigments. I chose to not affix it at this time because i was so proud of the detail and didn't want to hide it.
This was a lot longer post than I anticipated so sorry about that it has been fun sharing this with all of you. Thanks Logan for the gentle push and the support!
I am off to start building my Tiger1 my wife gave me for Christmas.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Herbert Spencer