Model maniac:
I think it's a great dio! I especially like the realistic, down-to-earth feeling of the KV tank and the figures.
Regarding the figures and the story of the dio. I have my own interpretation of the what unfolds in the dio. It goes like this:
First you have to imagine a Sovjet propaganda team in the forground, "outside" the diorama. The team wants to take some pictures of the victorius Sovjet army, and tells the accompanying NKVD officer (also outside the dio) to order some soldiers to line up in front of the tank. When the officer shouts to the tank riders to line up - and this is the dioramas "frozen moment" - two of them readily obey. The third one, at the back of the tank, is kind of shy and therefor decides to get going in the other direction. The soldiers leaving the ruined building have just rounded the corner and doesn't have a clue what's going on. That's why they look so calm. And, lastly, the tank commander. Look how he's smiling - he's very proud to getting his picture taken and printed in Pravda! That's atleast what I "see" in the dio - a great, complex story.
/Tony aka bultenibo