One thing I have noted, with Photobucket, is that you don't have to actually do the CTRL C bit to copy the required info; simply clicking in the IMG code box automatically does this for you. I often prep my posts in a wordprocessor so I can double-check what info I am about to post; this may help.
In an attempt to find something that might help I took the liberty of finding out what camera you were using from the EXIF data of the pictures in your album. A Polaroid PDC-3030 is what I beleive. I downloaded a PDF of the manual, from the Polaroid website, and it does not seem that you can do anything to alter the focusing on this model. The best I can suggest is not to get too close when you take your pictures and then edit them in a paint package. If you use the highest resolution setting you should be able to crop the section you want and get better depth of field (more in focus).
I hope I have not hurt your feelings with my comments but if you want to see what can be acheived with cropping; all of the photos in this collection... were prepped this way.
Looking forward to seeing more pics