Well, okay... After reading all this feedback, I honestly have to say three things. One - I've never looked at a radioman's sausage. Two - Manny, you have a real talent for figures, and also for those fine details that make it look like these guys are really in this place. The food, the little bucket of coal next to the stove. These are the details that make a dio, in my opinion. I would have missed most of them if I'd built it. Three - Dude, your dio needs to tell one story. I need to be able to see that story from one angle, one good look. This dio, while impressive in its build, is telling like four stories at once, which is distracting. One, you've got the massive Tiger and its crew (or handful of troops, anyway) discussing when they're moving out, or whatever. Another is the kubel with its driver and honcho discussing something over in the corner. Next, you've got Fritz and Mademoiselle in the tub around the corner (a story in itself) and then you've got the radioman who's kinda off doing his radio thing. On top of all that, you've got a couple more troops going over the map, although they go pretty well with the Tiger crew. So in all this, I'm left trying to figure out what the story is, what the artist is trying to convey. So again, each piece is fantastic. Just need to simplify your composition a little. ~Jerry |